Let’s Get This Party Started. Now, Where’s a Light Socket?

pulse by sengled HERO

A few bottles of wine, some good friends and Pulse bulbs from Sengled and you’ve got a party goin’ on. Light bulbs that double as speakers can read a bedtime story, play some background music while you work or simply start a shindig anywhere there’s a typical light socket. (more…)

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Rock n’ Roll Music Meets Ceramic in Kim Joon’s Rockers.

kim Joon's rockers

Korean artist Kim Joon’s Rockers are a series of  prints which feature hands giving the heavy metal music salute (aka ‘The Horns’) embellished with album art and song titles set upon porcelain plates. (more…)

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The Bottle Boys Cover of Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean Blows. Literally.

Bottle Boys cover Billie jean

Climbing the viral video charts today is Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean performed entirely on beer bottles by the appropriately named Bottle Boys (or in their native tongue, Flaskedrengene). (more…)

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