In Suzanne Jongmans Packing Foam Fashions, an ongoing series of quietly elegant photographs, she explores textures of both the past and present. Using the foam materials from packaging and insulation, she has fashioned them into the collars, shawls and clothes commonly seen in the 16th and 17th century Dutch, Flemish and French portraits by the likes of Golden Age and Dutch Renaissance painters Vermeer, Franz Hals, and Francois Clouet.
Suzanne Jongmans Packing Foam Fashions Emulate 17th C. Flemish Portraits
Below are the photographs and foam sculptures by Suzanne Jongmans, compared with classic portrait paintings I found from The Golden Age, so you can see the inspiration for her work.
Suzanne Jongmans’ Lady With Pearls, 2009:
Franz Hals, Portrait of a Woman, 1635:
Suzanne Jongmans’ Girl With Hood, 2007:
Johannes Vermeer, Woman Holding a balance, 1664:
Suzanne Jongmans’ Girl With Key, 2009:
Franz Hals, Portrait of a woman, 1630-1635:
Suzanne Jongmans’ Prince Jonah, 2010:
Three new additions below added since the original post.
Suzanne Jongmans’ Song pearl 1, 2011:
Suzanne Jongmans’ Owen, de dialoog, 2012:
Suzanne Jongmans’ Julie, portrait of a Woman, 2012:
Although Suzanne does not reference Spanish painter Diego Velazsquez in her explanation of the series, she clearly was inspired by his famous 1656 painting, Las Meniñas, for this one of Eva:
detail from Velazquez’ Las Meniñas:
Some of these photographic prints are available for purchase through Saatchi Online here
Suzanne Jongmans
Don’t miss our follow up post with more of these from artist Susan Jongmans here.