Haunting Taxidermy Doll Sculptures by Stefanie Vega Make The Perfect Halloween Post.

Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

Dolls, in general, freak me out. As they do many people. So do clowns, birds, bones and taxidermy. Now, combine all of those and you have the haunting mixed media sculptures of Brooklyn born, now Venice, California-based artist Stefanie Vega.

Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

Taxidermy Doll Sculptures by Stefanie Vega

Dark, detailed and finely crafted, the sculptures are perfectly suited for a Halloween post. Combining bird skulls, bones, talons and animal legs with porcelain doll heads, doll parts and glass eyes, the gothic, macabre Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega are often in cages or bondage. Victorian wardrobe elements like leather corsets. petticoats, pocket watches, metal grommets and tophats add a little Steampunk edge to them as well.

Here’s a look at some of her sculptures which range in price from $150 for the smallest to $2500+

The Task:
Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

King Krow:
custom dolls

goth dolls

creepy dolls

The Prisoner of Folly:
Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

The Brat:

Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

Murder Your Darlings:

Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

The Manipulator:

Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

The Dolly Beast:

La Santa De Las Aves:
Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

Dorian Gray:
Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

Taxidermy Dolls by Stefanie Vega

The Handless Maiden:

The Pin Slave:
pin slave stefanie vega

“From the tales that left profound impressions in my earliest childhood memories, I began working not only with unwanted doll parts, but with skull & bones & birds. They spoke to me of wanting to tell the bigger story. The dolls we played with as children were the totems of our dreams. Upon them we laid our hopes & fears…upon them we projected our greatest selves.

I was serenaded by haunting lullabies from long ago. So, drawing on an enormous pool of archetypes & folklore & developing characters based on children’s literature & faerie tales, a new hybrid was born. I began to write verse in order to share the tales that influenced the work. This rogue taxidermy with discarded porcelain doll parts and accompanying limerick became a cross-breeding of the unexpected & a departure from the familiar.

Like the resurrection of the forgotten they tell the tales from the soul of the world because they jar the collective memory we have of imagery & symbolism. This collection gives voice to an age old doll tradition that insists on singing its own song.” — Stefanie Vega

The Artist, Stefanie Vega:
artist stephanie vega

images courtesy of Bash Contemporary and others from the artist.

Purchase or see more of her work at Bash Contemporary Gallery
You can also purchase directly from the artist here at her online shop.

Stefanie Vega