
Clever and Creative C-Notes. Redesign the $100 Bill at Make Your Franklin.

Make Your Frankin hero IIHIH
above: the 100$ bill redesigned by Sean Fermoyle

Make Your Franklin is an online community art project devised by French designers Vincent Desdoigts, Martin Joubert and Etienne Lecorre, that allows anyone to design their own version of the United States 100$ bill. They are asking for you to recreate the money with a symbol of modern society. (more…)

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More Contemporary Artists Interpret The Iconic Playboy Bunny in Playboy Redux II.

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the world famous Playboy Club and the Playboy Bunny, artists reinterpreted the sexy icon in Playboy Redux II, an exhibit featuring the work of over 20 of today’s contemporary artists. (more…)

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Curiouser & Curiouser: Artworks Inspired By Alice In Wonderland

Gallery Nucleus presents CURIOUSER & CURIOUSER, a new exhibit of artworks inspired by Alice In Wonderland. (more…)

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Artist Blaine Fontana Completes His 30 Limited Edition Nestkeepers.

Blaine Fontana Nest keepers

I’m a big fan of artist Blaine Fontana’s work. His installations, his mixed media, his paintings and now these wonderful limited edition Nestkeepers. Thirty little imp-like sculptures each carefully painted in styles varying from japonesque designs to graffiti, exemplifying Blaine’s vast styles and talents. (more…)

Continue ReadingArtist Blaine Fontana Completes His 30 Limited Edition Nestkeepers.