Last January I shared with you some of the rugs and art by DEVO founder Mark Mothersbaugh.
Since then he has a whole new slew of rugs for 2009. A large collection of sixty-six 4′ x 6′ rugs that feature his artwork as well as twelve smaller versions in limited editions, featured in a solo show this past summer at the NOWhere Limited Gallery .
“They’ll cover a hole on the floor; you can sweep things beneath them. You don’t have to feel reverential about the artwork. You can walk on it. You can do your prayers on it if that’s your predilection. And there are many ways to get rug burn on it.” – Mark Mothersbaugh, about his rugs.
Here are twenty-four from his 2009 collection. Each measures 4′ x 6′ and is available for $850.00 a piece and some are also available in the smaller size of 22″ x 34″ for $275.00 (subject to change). In each image are six different rugs:
See all sixty six rugs in his collection here.
The 12 rugs from the show are small. Each measures 22 x 34 inches, has a 1/4 border and includes a signed and titled rug tag:
above: The Sleepover rug
above: Shoes rug
above: Jihad Detecto
above: Hooded Imp rug
above: Hatching a Plot rug
above: Fingerbot And The Boy rug
above: Dive For Safety rug
above: Duo Worm rug
above: DEVO Rope rug
above: Robot Loses His Head rug
above: When He Fell Through The Trap rug
above: X-Ray Visionaire rug
Purchase the rugs here
If you didn’t see his stunning rugs for Walteria Living in 2008, see them all here.