In honor of Veteran’s Day, I wanted to share with you some moving pieces of sculpture and art by US War Veterans.
Poignant and Uncensored Art by US War Veterans
These 30 works are very personal and intimate art pieces from the National Veterans Art Museum in Chicago, which inspires greater understanding of the real impact of war with a focus on Vietnam. The museum collects, preserves and exhibits art inspired by combat and created by veterans. The pieces express their experiences through photography, sculpture, paintings, drawings and mixed media.
Please note: The work in this museum- and shown here- was made by veterans of war and the depictions of their experience is poignant and uncensored.
The above pieces only represent a few of the works within the museum. You can View the online collection here
God Bless all the brave men and women who give of themselves for the rest of us and this country. Thank You.
all images courtesy of the NVAM Collection Online website © 2012 – National Veterans Art Museum