A lot of people unfriended or blocked those with opposing views on social media regarding the 2016 Presidential election. Unable to stomach their political rants, points-of-view or beliefs, fingers hit the ‘unfollow’ and ‘unfriend’ buttons daily, reducing their exposure to values that were painfully in contrast to their own. Here’s why I have not.
Why I Won’t Unfriend, Unfollow or Block Those With Differing Political Opinions
Today several are still unfriending those on Facebook and Twitter who are elated about or supporting our new President-elect Trump. But not me.
Yes, I disagree vehemently with most of the Republican mores, and have great disdain for President-elect Donald Trump. But as ugly as I may find it, I am not going to stick my head in the sand or close my ears and eyes to reality.
While hashtags such as #stillwithher and #notmypresident are trending on Twitter, we cannot change the fact that Hillary Clinton is out and Donald Trump is in.
The truth is the American people have spoken. And as shocking as it may be to myself and many of my liberal, tolerant, diverse and educated friends, it represents what the majority of people who live in this country now want.
While it’s at odds with my personal hopes for our future, the last thing I want is to be is in the dark about what my compatriots are doing now. Ignoring or denying what the bulk of the people in this country truly feel cannot be beneficial to those who want the best for it.
As an educated Jewish female who, among many things, opposes the death penalty and deportation, wants to ban plastic bags and guns, believes in legalizing marijuana and a woman’s right to choose, I am fearful. I am the minority. So what can I and those in my position do about that?
Now is not the time to disregard opposing values or beliefs. It is not the time to feel such exasperation that you give up or move to Canada.
Now is the time to take seriously what the people of power (and those who support them) in this country think and feel in order to either diffuse it, clarify it, combat it or change it.
Now is the time to be aware – even vigilant, in order to sustain a sense of humanity in the minds and hearts of all people, regardless of sex, race or political affiliation.
Now is the time to be exposed to opposition and to listen, so you can inform and educate others to ensure that the atrocities of history do not repeat themselves.
The point is to combat racism, intolerance, myopia and hate by exposing yourself to it and those who support it so you can respond intelligently, persuasively and affect change.
That is why.