Why I Won’t Unfriend, Unfollow or Block Those With Differing Political Opinions

Why I Won't Unfriend, Unfollow or Block Those With Differing Political Opinions

A lot of people unfriended or blocked those with opposing views on social media regarding the 2016 Presidential election. Unable to stomach their political rants, points-of-view or beliefs, fingers hit the ‘unfollow’ and ‘unfriend’ buttons daily, reducing their exposure to values that were painfully in contrast to their own. Here’s why I have not. (more…)

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How 28 Different Media Outlets Are Promoting The OK Cupid “Experiment” Story on Facebook.

media shilling Ok Cupid story hero IIHIH

When I logged onto Facebook this morning, my newsfeed was filled with links to blog posts and articles, most of them indignantly screaming that internet dating site OK Cupid had experimented on users without their knowledge. (more…)

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Stark Raving Hilarious: If Game Of Thrones Season 3, Episode 2 Took Place On Facebook


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