Today is Earth Day. The perfect time to share the artist decorated trash recycling bins for 2017. The last time I shared with you a slew of artist decorated trash cans it was way back in 2012. Now in its 14th year, Global Inheritance has continued to select a limited number of artists to decorate recycling bins to promote global awareness and recycling at the Coachella music festival.
TRASHed At Coachella 2017
This year 45+ talented artists were selected to redesign a 65-gallon recycling bin to grace the grounds of Coachella. In return for their skills and talent, they received a VIP pass for the festival and other benefits. Prior to appearing at the music festival, the bins were showcased at a free one night event in downtown Los Angeles.
Thanks to the artists sharing their work on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, I have photos of over 55 to share with you. It took me two entire days of searching, looking up artists and scanning their social media sites to find these. If I haven’t included a photo of a particular artist’s bin it’s because I either could not find the artist on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or Instagram, or they did not post photos of their bin on their social media accounts. Or they may not have ended up participating in the event. As you will see there are a few artists who did participate but are not on the flyer.
2017 Headlining Artists and their trash bins (in alphabetical order)
Amanda Lee: There are several creative ‘Amanda Lee’s out there. Multiple illustrators, typographers, video artists, glassware artists, painters, bridal designers and more. I have no idea which one participated in this.
Art One: So many who use this name or hashtag, I have not been able to find the correct one.
Ashley Macias (no bin found)
Caro Cordova (I cannot find this artist’s site or work at all)
Gareb Shamus (no bin found)
LaurenYS (no bin found)
Rogelio Montenegro aka @rogermonteblack – the only bin I can find is this sketch of his for submission:
Tobias “Toby” Johnson (no bin found)
After Coachella, the TRASHed Coachella bins will be donated to schools and museums across California. If you’re an artist, make sure your designs are public appropriate! If you’re looking to secure TRASHed recycling bins for your school or museum, please email [email protected].
See Global Inheritance’s gallery of all the bins from 2016 here