Snake Buddies, whose mission is to promote reptile awareness and offer alternatives to wild-caught pets, took it upon themselves to turn footage by Jürgen Otto (aka Peacock Spider Man) into one of the cutest Christmas videos ever. And this is coming from a woman who is deathly afraid of spiders!
Snake Buddies’ A Peacock Spider Christmas
First off, you should know that it’s Jürgen Otto’s hobby, not profession, to film, photograph and research spiders and he does so with the money he makes by licensing his content. Shaun Vought, Gavin Beck, and Jamison Hensley (founders of Snake Buddies) are self-described avid life-long snake enthusiasts who have come together to bring you the best education on conservation efforts for reptiles and amphibians.
Combining the excellent footage shot by Otto with adorable graphic and quotes turned out to be one of the cutest Christmas videos circulating on Facebook, so I simply had to share it with my readers. I mean, where else are you going to find spiders taking pics with Ugly Christmas Sweaters or putting 8 eyes on a Snowman?
More of my favorite moments from the video as stills for you:
Bravo Snake Buddies! And Merry Christmas to all.
Snake Buddies