Period Puns and Menstrual Mayhem Make For Awesome Undies & Boyshorts!

period panties and boyshorts

Playing off of horror films and trendy icons with double entendres and puns, Period Panties (and the new Boyshort editions) are a line of edgy illustrated undies that turn crampy into campy.

Harebrained Period Panties

shark week front cu on model

shark week back cu on model

What began as a joke turned into a Kickstarter campaign that successfully raised $404,763  in March 2014 to produce the Period Panties by Harebrained Design.

menstrual mayhem period panties

Boyshorts now available, too.

boyshorts examples IIHIH

With illustrations by Anthony Hall, the panties and boyshorts have fun with popular movies, characters and euphemisms. Scenes or characters from blood-laden movies as Carrie, Rambo,The Shining, Tomb Raider and Friday the 13th are hilariously rendered for the collection. Blood-sucking icons such as Dracula, Zombies, Sharks and Evil Beavers can be found. Even Grumpy Cat (as Crampy Cat), Aunt Flo, Captain Redbeard, and Wonder Woman (Wonder Womban) make appearances.

Shark Week:
shark week

Sour Puss:
sour puss

Surfing The Crimson Wave:
surfing the crimson wave

Camp Blood:
welcome to camp blood

Womb Raider:
womb raider

Wonder Womban:


Rainbo First Blood:
Rainbo First Blood

Aunt Flo:
aunt flo

Bleeder of The Pack:
bleeder of the pack

Call of the Cunthulu:
call of the cunthulu

Captain Redbeard:
captain redbeard

Crime Scene:
crime scene

Crotching Tiger:
crotching tiger

Cunt Dracula:
cunt dracula

Curse of Blood:
curse of blood (Carrie)

Dawn of the Red:
dawn of the red

Evil Beaver:
evil beaver

Bloody Hell:
bloody hell

No Baby Shower:
No baby shower IIHIH

Shop for the Period Panties on Amazon
The 95% cotton & 5% elastane illustrated panties are made in China

New Boyshorts

Now, with their second Kickstarter project already funded despite some time left to go (the fundraiser ends on July 4th), boy short versions of the period panties will soon be available!

Boyshort editions on white IIHIH

About Harebrained:
harebrained logo

Illustrator and designer Anthony Hall founded the Chicago-based Harebrained in 2008. Now, along with Operations Manager Cole Cooney and Sales and Events Coordinator Amanda Barber, the trio is best known for their line of menstrual themed undies but have plenty of other fun products in the works.

amanda, anthony and cole harebrained

Shop The Period Panties here and here

Harebrained Design

Harebrained on Society 6