Dogs Who Deserve More Followers Than You: Marnie

Marnie the dog

If you haven’t yet met Marnie, you’re missing out on the goofiest-looking dog on the internet. She’s met more celebs than an Emmy statue and she even has her own app.

The Seventh of Ten Dogs Who Deserve More Followers Than You



Marnie the dog

the dog app

Marnie’s head tilt and omnipresent tongue have made her a superstar among dogs on Instagram. She’s had appearances on the Today show, a book deal and been held, stroked or photographed with the who’s who of Hollywood.

with Jonah Hill
with Jonah Hill
marnie the dog with Rod Stewart
with Rod Stewart
marnie with Usher
with Usher
 marnie dog with Aaron Paul
with Aaron Paul

Owner Shirley Braha rescued the little pup from a shelter in Connecticut in late 2012, when the dog was 10 years old. At the time, she was apparently on the verge of death — blind in one eye, with a nasty cough and bacteria in her mouth. Shirley cleaned up her up and did what anyone who falls in love with a pet does — she started posting photos of her online.

Marnie admiring herself

in france

as a ghost

marnie with matzah

The 13 year old dog’s spastic looks and charm have turned her into one of the most beloved dogs on Instagram. Oh, and she has a book, of course.

Marnie with her book
Buy Marnie the Dog, The Book

Marnie the Dog on Instagram: @marniethedog

This is the seventh post in a series of ten dogs made famous through social media and worth following on Instagram. Be sure to come back to see the next.