Hilarious POPlitically Incorrect iPhone Cases from Saint Hoax

poplitically incorrect iphone cases

Pseudonymous Middle Eastern artist Saint Hoax clearly has a lot of fun combining a love for POP Culture and Politics with Photoshop to result in art and objects that have a brutal honesty and wit. His iPhone cases are a way to own a piece of his twisted take on the world while amusing yourself and others.

kardashian last supper
above: The Kardashians, shown in Saint Hoax’s Last Supper, are one of his favorite subjects to ridicule

Combining tangible and digital mediums to create beautiful visual lies that tell an ugly truth, the artist is probably best known for his Princest Diaries which went viral. The series was an awareness campaign targeting minors who have been subject to sexual abuse by a family member by depicting Disney Characters in unlawful and disturbing embraces.

Saint Hoax’s twitter feed is filled with fun animated gif’s such as the one of Kylie Kardashian shown below.

pumping up the kardashians

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Cases
Now he’s turned some of his funniest pieces into cases for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. Knocking everything from the Kardashians to Disney, they combine entertainment, technology and and popular culture with drugs, sex and humor. The results are simultaneously disturbing and delightful.

Bow Down Bitches:
bow down bitches by saint Hoax

When You Find That Emergency Joint:
when you find that emergency joint
emergency joint

Keeping Up With American Horror Story:
Keeping Up With American Horror Story
mocking the kardashians

Like A Virgin:
Like A Virgin by Saint Hoax

Edward Will Fix You
Edward Will Fix You by Saint Hoax

Ursula’s Anaconda:
Ursula's Anaconda

The End:
The End

Netflix and Chill:
Netflix and Chill
netflix and prerolls

Drama Queen:
Drama Queen

Seaweed Is Always Greener:
seaweed is always greener

Kylie & Kylie:
Kylie & Kylie as shining twins
saint hoax

McRoyal queen elizabeth

Power Puff Puff Pass:
power puff puff pass

Whole New Digital World:
a whole new digital world

A Happy Ending:
A Happy Ending

And of course, an iPhone case of the Kardashian Last Supper shown earlier in this post:

There are a lot more hilarious ones available, check them all out here


Saint Hoax recently had his first solo exhibition, “PoPlitically Incorrect”. The Bangkok show featured his satirical series of re-imagined popular icons presented as an interactive experience.

Main website and online store: https://www.sainthoax.com
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sainthoax
On Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sainthoax