This Animated Short, In a Heartbeat, Opens Eyes and Minds.

in a heartbeat aimated short

A closeted middle school boy’s heart cannot deny what it wants. And what it wants is the most popular boy in school. See how two recent graduates turned this tale into an animated triumph for their Senior Thesis that is sweeping the internet.

In a Heartbeat Animated Short

In a Heartbeat Animated Short

Created by recent Ringling College of Art & Designs graduates Beth David and Esteban Bravo (Computer Animation, ’17), the Senior Thesis animated short film (shown further down in this post) tells the story of Sherwin,  a shy red headed middle-school boy struggling to come to terms with his being gay.

Esteban Bravo and Beth David
Esteban Bravo and Beth David wrote and directed the short

Sherwin’s heart has a mind of its own as it pops out of his chest, literally, to chase after Jonathan, the most popular boy at school. Now, Sherwin must chase after his own heart before it reveals his feelings towards Jonathan, risking humiliating him in front of the entire school.

In a Heartbeat animated short

Esteban Bravo and Beth David's Ina A Heartbeat

The piece explores adolescence, love, confusion, and the unique experiences of being a teenage member of the LGBTQIA+ community today.

Ina Heartbeat animated short movie poster

The short was produced at The Ringling College of Art & Design with an estimated $5000 budget and stars the voices of Nicholas J. Ainsworth and Kelly Donohue.

Music by Arturo Cardelús
Sound Design by Nick Ainsworth

Below are a look at some of sketches and process- and best of all, their own parody posters for the film.

the colorscript
the colorscript
sketches of Sherman
sketches of Sherman
3D modeling of Jonathan
3D modeling of Jonathan

The parody posters they created, which mock popular movies about love, is a tradition at Ringling College of Art & Design:

satirical poster

brokeback Mountain Parody Poster

They’ve even opened a store on Red Bubble that sells posters, prints, stickers and other merchandise from the film

Beth David
– Instagram: @bbethdavidd
– Twitter: @bbethdavidd
– Tumblr:
Esteban Bravo
– Instagram: @estebravo
– Twitter: @EstebanBravoP
– Tumblr:
– Website: