There seems to be no limit to the unusual forms that area rugs are taking on thee days. And this project by a German company has got to be one of the least appetizing, but certainly fun for a kitchen or deli. Introducing four of the wurst rugs ever.
Four Of The Wurst Rugs Ever
Flachbild of Germany has created their interpretation of sausage for the home in the form of four of the wurst rugs ever (Wurstteppiche). The first collection consists of four different cold cuts (or sausages) as round area rugs: salami, ham (pimento loaf), mortadella and black pudding (also known as blood sausage).
Blood Sausage:
Ham (or pimento loaf):
The carpets are made of pure wool, round and available in sizes ranging from one meter to five meters in diameter. The carpet thickness is about 1.8 centimeters.
2021 UPDATE: Sadly we can no longer find this company.
However, a similar – and equally funny- Mortadella rug from Mansouri is available here.