Japanese designer Satsuki Ohata introduced the world to his Fondue Slippers at the Milano Salone Satellite*. Slippers created from molds of your own feet that can be worn indoors or out.
Fondue Slippers
Named Fondue Slippers because the production process is similar to cheese fondue, the shoes are made by dipping your feet in liquid PVC, then allowing the foot to dry.
The PVC, which hardens at 392~572 degrees Fahrenheit (about the same temp as a blowdryer on high) can then be peeled off, decorated if you wish and worn as a thin cast of your foot.
Decorate them with a Sharpie if you wish:
The Fondue Slippers are very easy to clean:
The heel can be folded down so the shoes can be worn as a mule-like slipper, rather than as a full shoe:
They can be worn indoors:
Or outdoors:
After a lot of positive press and feedback, Ohata is said to be currently developing a kit, like the one shown below, which allows you to make your own pair of Fondue Slippers at home. However, that was over a year ago and there is so such kit as of yet.
* The SaloneSatellite was created in 1998 for the express purpose of bringing together, in the same place and time, the most promising young designers from all over the world with the most important business people and talent scouts gathered in Milan to visit or exhibit at the Salone. The Satellite immediately became an unparallelled observatory of young international creativity.
Photos by Shouta Kikuchi & Naoki Aosaki and courtesy of Satsuki Ohata