Christmas Dogs by photographer Peter Thorpe is an adorable series in which he has been dressing up his obliging dogs – first Paddy, then Raggle – every year for their family Christmas Cards. Both dogs’ patience and star quality combined with Peter’s photography, own handmade props and no Photoshop have made these cards cute, clever and of course, Christmas-y.
Christmas Dogs by Peter Thorpe
Peter says on his blog that 3 children and now over 20 Christmases later, making these cards has become something of a family tradition and a lovely record to treasure. I have to agree. I’ve got almost every one from the past 24 years for you here. I took it upon myself to enlarge some of the dog’s faces from some of them since they are so darn cute. Given Raggle’s old age and weak heart, this will be her last appearance. Hopefully Peter will continue the series with yet another adorable critter. (update: The pics are now available in a book! Bark, The Herald Angels Sing)
First, with Raggle.
2014 Lil Nipper Raggle:
2013 Red-Breasted Raggle (I couldn’t find the tilte for this one, so made this name up):
2012 Bah Humbug Raggle:
2011 Penguin Raggle:
2010 Sheepdog Raggle:
2009 Dog Roast Raggle:
2007 Dogkey Raggle:
2006 Cameldog Raggle:
2004 Scrubbed Up Raggle:
And now with Paddy.
2001 Choirboy Paddy:
2000 Fairy Paddy:
1999 Lights, Camera, Action Paddy:
1998 Nativity Paddy:
1996 Robbers Paddy:
1995 Snowballs Paddy:
1994 Pigdog Paddy:
1993 Bouncers (The Three Wisemen) Paddy:
1991 Heavenly Cherubs Paddy:
1990 Rudolph Paddy:
Check out his website to see his commercial photography and his blog for more.
Images courtesy of Peter’s flickr stream and blog
UPDATE 2016: Paddy and Raggle have now been immortalized in a new book from Peter Thorpe. Learn all about Bark! The Herald Angels Sing here
A thank you to Evelyn Morris Hecht for bringing this series to my attention.