Female Green Army Men, Finally! Only Took Over 90 Years.

Plastic-Army-Women IIHIH

Green Army Men, those drab olive colored little toy soldiers, have been around in the U.S. since 1930. Found in most toy chests along with Hot Wheels and Etch-a-sketch, the miniature molded plastic green men have since inspired numerous pop culture and household products. So iconic, they were inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 2014. There have been numerous iterations of the small green figurines such as the provocative Casualties of WarToy Boarders and Yoga Joes. And yes, there are pink versions of the little plastic army men…. but they have still always been MEN. Until now. BMC Toys finally introduces Plastic Army Women! (more…)

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A Look At This Year’s ICEHOTEL Art Suites

all the suites in this year's icehotel

The ICEHOTEL is a world famous hotel and an art exhibition made of ice and snow that changes every year. Founded in 1989 in the Swedish village of Jukkasjärvi – 200 km north of the Arctic Circle, it is all about ice and creativity – with artfully created accommodations as the result. Each year artists (who are not required to have worked with ice before) are invited to take part – they’re selected from among those who send in their ideas based on originality and creating it in real natural ice would pose a new challenge. The several weeks’ hard work and months of planning and preparation culminate in something that only exists for a few months. (more…)

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