Bruxe X Uranium Tiny Little Chairs Pendants Now Available!

tiny little chairs pendants

There was much brouhaha a few months back when the news first broke that Bruxe Design of Montreal would be pairing up with Uranium to create modern chair classic pendants. Now, the first five charming three dimensional casts of mid-century modern chairs are finally available for purchase online. (more…)

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Hans van Bentem’s Custom Chandeliers For Rock And Royal Get Even Hipper

rock n royal chandeliers

It’s time for an update on these one-of-a-kind works. Hans van Bentem’s hip chandeliers continue to defy the traditional ornate crystal monstrosities that we are used to seeing, now with even edgier designs. (more…)

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You’re Never Too Old To Play With Blocks: The Coolest Wooden Designer Blocks Available.

Seems that many artists and companies are convinced that grown-ups, especially design-loving folk, still want to play with blocks. And from the looks of these,…

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Another Round Of Look What I Found! Weird & Wonderful Web Finds.

weird and wonderful web finds

A bunch of cool finds and links to buy or to learn more about each. (more…)

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Be Your Own Banksy, Hirst, Quinn, Whithead, Emin or Eggleston with iArtist.

iartist hero IIHIH

The brainchild of Naroa Lizar Redrado, iArtist of London, sells ‘Do-It-Yourself’ kit versions of famous art pieces by contemporary artists Damien Hirst, Banksy, Marc Quinn, Tracy Emin, Rachel Whiteread and various photographers such as William Eggleston. (more…)

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Non Perishable Peeps – Everything But Edible!

peeps inspired products>above: detail of Peeps Tee from Dylans Candy Bar

It’s Easter time. Time for the young and old to celebrate with plastic baskets filled with sugary goodness. (more…)

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