The Designer’s Balls. CMYK Christmas Ornaments From Veinticuatrodientes.

The Designer's Balls

Since we have to wait until next year, 2012, for the Pantone Balls,  (UPDATE: The Pantone balls are now available)  here’s a fabulous alternative for Christmas ornaments designed to make designers drool. (more…)

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Color Me Christmas! 10 New Pantone Christmas Ornaments.

Pantone Christmas Ornaments

I’ve been waiting for these for awhile. Almost made them myself last year. Finally, Pantone Universe has come out with Christmas ornaments made by Studio Badini Createam for Selab. So far, I can only find them at Seletti, but I hope they’ll be making their way to the US soon. Made of glass, the Pantone Xmas Balls are available in ten different PMS colors. (more…)

Continue ReadingColor Me Christmas! 10 New Pantone Christmas Ornaments.