This seven minute animated short Love & Theft has been the recipient of numerous awards for both music and animation. With script, direction and animation by Andreas Hykade and artwork by Natalia Eck. (Full credits at the end of this post).
Animated Short Love & Theft
The name of the film, Love & Theft, was inspired by the Bob Dylan album:
“And I’m still carrying the gift you gave, It’s a part of me now, it’s been cherished and saved, It’ll be with me unto the grave And then unto eternity.” -Bob Dylan
Stills from the video arranged by colored backgrounds, courtesy of Andreas Hykade:
Script, direction: Andreas Hykade Design, animation: Andreas Hykade Animation assistance: Angela Steffen Art work: Natalia Eck Compositing: Christof Hoffmann Sound, Music: Heiko Maile Funding: MFG and FFA Production assistance: Simone Fischer Production: Thomas Meyer-Hermann Studio FILM BILDER 2010
Sacem Award for original music Vienna Independent Short Film Award Music Award, International Film Festival Annecy, 2010 Music Award, International Short Film Festival Hamburg, 2010 Special Award, Animafest Zagreb, 2010 Music for Animation Award, Festival of Animated Film Stuttgart, 2010 Honorable Mention, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, 2010 And the short film has also been nominated at the Fantoche Festival, Animator Festival, FEST Espinho and Anima Mundi Festival,