What You Should Have Read, Listened To, Watched and Eaten Last Year.
Best Everything of 2017. It was a busy year, as it always is. Which means you didn't get around to those reading those books, listening…
Best Everything of 2017. It was a busy year, as it always is. Which means you didn't get around to those reading those books, listening…
Several blogs have featured recent images of Face painter Natalie Sharp's own visage made up as various music album covers, but none have shown the…
Created by former Google employee, Pierre Lebeau, it looks like a Roomba on steroids and acts like a mobile projection theater, security camera, concert hall, internet and wireless game console all in one. It’s like having your own little Robot that provides you with Google services, streaming entertainment, gaming apps, web-cam and more – it’s a Keecker. (more…)