Ordinary Objects Become Art When Slip Cast and Painted by Shalene Valenzuela

Shalene Valenzuela Slip-Cast Ceramics

There are numerous talented artists who hand paint ceramics. Even their own slip cast ceramics. (For those who don’t know, slip-casting is one of the simplest methods of reproducing a replica of an original model). But what makes Shalene Valenzuela’s work different is the items on which she is painting. Her ceramics are not tableware or dinnerware. Not pretty vases or wedding platters meant to be used in a functional way, but sculpture meant to make you think. Or laugh. Or both. (more…)

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Mutual Adornment: Natalie Shau’s Art & Lydia Courteille’s Jewels

natalie shau and lydia courteille

Here is an example of two artists combining their talents to market Lydia Courteille’s jewelry. Courteille is an extraordinary jeweler. She develops several collections every month along with many one of a kind items. Her work incorporates high karat golds and real gemstones into various subjects as flora, fauna and such gothic staples as crosses, skulls, snakes, bones and bats. She has become so well-known as a trend-setter, that international stylists from jewelry, fashion and accessories arenas never miss a chance to visit the boutique, particularly during fashion week in Paris. (more…)

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