Seven years ago, I began compiling an annual list of beautifully designed and unusual modern menorahs for those who wanted to participate in the tradition of the nightly lighting of the candles in observance of Hanukkah (or Chanukah) without an old style or traditional Hanukkia or Menorah.
Beautiful Modern Menorahs
At that time is was hard to find any accessible and affordable Judaica that was contemporary, let alone modern, but that has since changed. Artists, designers and popular stores like Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn and Target all carry menorahs now, most sold online, but that doesn’t mean they are all attractive or well-designed. So, I’ve separated the wheat from the chaff for you.
This list doesn’t include cheesy novelty menorahs made in the shape of shoes, trains, school buses, dogs, dancing rabbis or cats. Okay, admittedly I did include DCI’s LED Motherboard Menorah, the giant Matchstick Menorah and the Galvanized Pipe Menorah by Joe Grand, which may border on novelty to some, but have a Pop Art and Dada-like style.
The list does include modern and functional menorahs that range from high end menorahs by well-known luxury brands like Tiffany, Christofle, Steuben, Waterford, Spode, Lenox and Nambé to artisan menorahs by some of Israel’s finest artists, metalsmiths and jewelers.
The list also includes ultra modern versions from such hip designers as Jonathan Adler and Karim Rashid and even menorahs by world renowned modern artists and architects like Dali, Agam, Romeo Britto and Richard Meier.
Other respected brands with their own line of items like David Mellor, Michael Aram, Simon Pearce, Umbra and Jay Strongwater also have menorahs on this list.
Blown glass, borosilicate glass, hand-forged iron, gold, gold-plated, sterling silver, silver plate, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, pewter, exotic woods, stone, cement, lucite, acrylic, resin and even Swarovski studded menorahs can be found on the list.
There’s a huge range of prices, from $14.00 to over $100,000.00, so you can see that price was not a criteria for the list. Some are limited editions, some are one of a kind and some may already be sold out.
Additions since 2011:
Architectonic Menorah designed by Richard Meier:
Ascalon Menorah with Candles, Designed by Brad Ascalon for Design Within Reach:
Sharsheret Link Brass Menorah:
Veritas Translucent Menorah for Barneys:
Veritas U Shaped Blue Translucent Menorah for Barney’s
Josh Owen Cast Iron Menorah for AREAWARE
Electric Wood Menorah Lamp by Studio Pepe Haykoop :
Industrial Style Copper Menorah:
Sea Light Menorahs made from recycled guitars by Weisbeck Design:
(available at both the Jewish Museum and Modern Tribe)
The Temple Menorah by Mary Jurek:
Water Blossom Menorah by Amy Reichert
Jonathan Adler’s Utopia Reversible Man/Woman Menorah:
Jonathan Adler’s Ceramic Elephant and Dacschund Menorahs
Jonathan Adler Bel Air Lucite Menorah (blue or yellow)
‘Fragile’ Menorah by Studio Kahn
The Large and Small Cork Menorahs by Daniel Michalik in blue, red or green screenprint.
Module R Hex Menorah by Ian Milne (silver or brass):
A Stunning Steampunk menorah by Weirdward Works (sold):
A One of A Kind Menorah made of perfume bottles by Mr. Kate
The Bloom Menorah by Melanie Dankowicz:
I constantly continue to add more modern menorahs I find to my Pinterest board, and as of 2017, there are more than 460, so be sure to continue to check that out!
If you don’t have a menorah you like by now, you’d better start shopping. And if you can’t find a menorah you like in this exhaustive list, then you’re meshugge.
Happy Holidays!