Looking for a new place to vacation? The James Perse Decorated Greycape is a rental Estate in Los Cabos with 5 stunning suites, private beach access and a private chef. Perfect for ocean lovers, surfers and sunset watchers.
James Perse Decorated Greycape Rental Estate
The property, outfitted with Perse’s furnishings and decor, has a master suite with adjoining children’s suite and three additional guest suites. The estate can accommodate 8 adults and 4 children comfortably.
Each of the suites has a private bath, some with jacuzzi and private deck. All have showers, direct pool and beach access.
Suite 1:
Suite 2:
Suite 3:
Suite 4:
Suite 5:
A palapa, outdoor living and dining areas offer wonderful views and great places to lounge.
Your stay includes a dedicated chef and estate host, open-air fitness studio, private Yoga and Massage upon request. There’s an open air media room for entertainment and a James Perse boutique on site with apparel and home furnishings.
Located at the southern tip of Baja, adjacent to Shipwreck’s Beach, Greycape offers some of the best surfing in Mexico.
Inquire here about renting.
all images and info courtesy of James Perse