Beautiful Custom Wood Diving Boards by Mikel Tube

custom wood diving boards

With so many stunning pool designs and options these days, the poor old diving board seems to be a thing of the past, rarely seen in most new swimming pools today. Rather than ditch the diving board, consider one of these handmade wooden boards by craftsman and designer Mikel Tube.

Custom Wood Diving Boards

mikel wooden diving boards

Mikel Tube designs, builds and sells handmade, customized wooden diving boards for use with swimming pools and motor yachts. The great-looking boards are specifically crafted for the proper bend and resistance based on your weight and finished with an anti-slip varnish.


The high-end diving boards are assembled using materials chosen with the intention to resist different climates and saltwater.

revelation one diving board detail

There are only two design options at present; The Revelation 1 and The Tom Sawyer.

wooden-diving-boards by Mikel Tube

Custom Wood Diving Boards IIHIH

The Revelation 1 Diving Board
revelation one B

The Revelation 1 is the board that started it all. A wooden board made of IPE Brazilian hardwood and stainless steel brackets, available in three different light, medium or dark.


The Revelation 1 board received a Silver in the 2014 International Design Awards.

revelation 1 custom wood diving board

The Tom Sawyer Diving Board
high-end diving boards

The design for the Tom Sawyer diving board occurred when Mikel became inspired by Marc Twain and tried to imagine what board Tom Sawyer would be diving from in the Mississippi.

luxury pool design

A Tom Sawyer board takes, on average, five days of labor, 23 feet of tropical wood, 56 Stainless bolts, and 98 foot of woven cord.

The boards are pickled and waxed, this the wood gives a nice and firm feeling under your feet.


The top of the board is made rough with a varnish and white Rhine sand mixture, which gives them extra adherence. Special designed slots assure great push-off stability.

girl on revelation 1 board over pool

Stainless steel bases (or brackets) are made of thick marine stainless steel (316) and can be provided in 3 different heights 4 – 8 – 12 inch.

stainless steel bases on wood diving boards if it's hip, it's here

Special features like custom stone bases for the boards are available like the ones Mikel has made for his customers, show below.

custom stone base for diving board

Custom Covers
Dralon custom board cover

Covers made of DRALON, a special material that helps your board to breath and protect it from moisture and UV radiation, are available as well. They are handmade in Mikel’s workshop to ensure the perfect fit on your custom made board. See available colors and patterns here

A typical custom board will run you anywhere from $1737 to $4500
Starting with Standard boards, via Limited editions up to Discrete boards (boards for those buyers who wish to remain anonymous). Options: Bracket (stand or foot), Dralon Cover, Depth Tag and other features.

Wooden Diving Boards, which is based in Belgium, ships worldwide and works with local woodworkers to reduce the ecological footprint of standard ‘green’ boards by more than 70%.

Wooden Diving Boards

all images courtesy of Wooden Diving Boards with some images photographed by Toddy Holland