Balloon sculptor Larry Moss has many installations, fashions, and designs crafted of colored latex balloons to his credit.
Larry Moss Balloon Sculptures
Amongst his many unusual balloon sculptures, which he has termed Airigami*, is a series of famous pieces of fine art recreated with latex balloons.
Fragonard’s The Swing, recreated in balloons:
Boticelli’s Birth Of Venus, recreated in balloons :
Birth of Venus in balloons (details):
Grant Wood’s American Gothic, recreated in balloons:
Cezanne still life, recreated in balloons:
Leonardo DaVinci’s Mona Lisa, recreated in balloons:
Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup Can, recreated in balloons:
Jackson Pollock painting, recreated in balloons:
MC Escher’s Self Portrait in Reflecting Sphere, recreated in balloons:
Leonardo DaVinci’s Vitruvian Man, recreated in balloons:
A video which shows some of the original paintings morphing into Larry’s balloon versions:
You can purchase these images and more as cards, posters, t-shirts, limited edition prints and more here at the Airigami gift shop.
*Airi•gam•i (\’er-?-’gä-m?\ n : the fine art of folding air) stands at the crossroads of three ancient art forms: sculpture, puppetry and origami.
About Larry Moss:
Larry Moss began his career 25 years ago as a NYC street performer, but has gone on to display his amazing air-filled art in 12 countries on four continents. His achievements have been recognized by The Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, CNN Headline, PBS, Smithsonian Magazine, American Profile and Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Moss has appeared on The Martha Stewart Show, NBC’s “Today” and at the White House, and has held the Guinness World Record for the largest non-round balloon sculpture since 2000. The author of many published ballooning books, Larry also has a degree in applied math and computer science, as well as a master’s in elementary education. Building community through his large-scale art creations is of particular interest to Larry, and was the focus of his 2009 TEDx talk in Rochester, NY.
Kelly Cheatle, Designer and New Media Marketing Director for Airigami:
Kelly Cheatle loves creating in any medium. She received her design degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology with a minor in Illustration, and a major interest in every studio elective she could find. She utilizes her diverse knowledge of traditional materials and image-making techniques daily in her work as a graphic designer/illustrator. She became Larry’s design partner upon informing him that she was going to help whether he wanted her to or not. While Kelly initially focused on non-balloon aspects of Airigami projects, the opportunity to work in a new medium was simply too much for her to resist.