A Prescription For Art. ‘Meds’ by Psychotherapist and Sculptor Jon Harvey.

Jon Harvey Meds
Big Pharma Meds, 2010 by Jon Harvey

Making a commentary on politics, government, crime, society, the internet, business and cultural stereotypes, artist Jon Harvey has encapsulated — literally — icons and elements in oversized clear pill capsules for multiple series of sculptures.

Jon Harvey Meds

His “Meds” are constructed with clay, hard vinyl, wood, leather, steel, liquid, found objects, acrylic paint, turf and other materials and placed inside 8 x 3 x 6 inch (20.3 x 7.6 x 15.2 cm) acrylic capsules mounted on stands.

Soccer Mom Meds, 2008:
Soccer Mom Meds

F*ck Like Bunnies Meds, 2011:
F*ck Like Bunnies Meds

Cholesterol Meds, 2010:
Cholesterol meds

Nostalgic Airline Coach Class Meds, 2011:
Nostalgic Airline Coach Class Meds

Mall Meds 2010:
Mall Meds 2010

Bernie’s Victims Meds, 2009:
Bernie's Victim's Meds (Bernie Madoff0

Genocide Meds, 2010:
Genocide Meds

Gridlock Meds 2011:
Gridlock Meds

Shipwreck Meds 2011:
Shipwreck Meds 2011:

Celebrity Meds, 2011:
Celebrity Meds, 2011

Gay Meds, 2011:
Gay Meds, 2011

Retirement Meds, 2011:
Retirement Meds, 2011

Casey Anthony Meds:
Casey Anthony Meds

Human Nature Meds, 2011:
Human Nature Meds, 2011

Lemming Meds 2011:
Lemming Meds

It’s a Jungle Out There Meds, 2011:
It's a Jungle Out There Meds, 2011

Middle Class Meds, 2011:
Middle Class Meds, 2011

Working Class Meds, 2011:
Working Class Meds, 2011:

Couch potato Meds 2011:
Couch potato Meds 2011

Stock, Bond, Hedge Fund Trader’s Meds 2011:
Stock, Bond, Hedge Fund Trader's Meds, 2011

Bill, John, Elliot, Tiger, Jesse and Arnold Meds, 2010-2011:
Bill, John, Elliot, Tiger, Jesse and Arnold Meds, 2010-2011

US Senator Meds, 2010:
US Senator Meds, 2010

Police Academy Meds, 2011:
Police Academy Meds, 2011:

Clown Meds, 2011:
Clown Meds, 2011:

Tooth Fairy Meds, 2010:
Tooth Fairy Meds, 2010

Facebook Meds 2010:
Facebook Meds 2010

Google Meds 2010:

In the artists’s own words:
A psychotherapist by profession, I have recently decided to focus exclusively on my real passion, which is making sculptures commenting on the world and the people in it.


I make pieces that say something about the way I think the world really operates. They address the gross injustices, the lack of power of most people, including those who presumably have been given some power, and the misapplication of money and goods that cause so many people to go hungry and die from lack of food and water. I also try to express in my work some of the absurdities and foibles of humanity with, I hope, some humor.

The Meds Series came directly from my work with children. As a school psychologist working primarily with teenage boys, I treated kids with many challenges, such as Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Occasionally a kid would come into my office so heavily medicated that he slept through the entire session. Other times, if the meds were properly adjusted, we could make some real progress through one-on-one talk therapy.

I believe that, as a society, we are all too eager to treat any and all ailments with drugs, rather than taking the time and effort to really work through to the root causes of our problems. The Meds Series is my commentary on this tendency.

I have been making sculptures most of my life but it only became clear to me to move full speed ahead with my art several years ago. Inspired by the works of Joseph Cornell and Edward Kienholz, I began by building small three-dimensional sculptures for friends and family. Although Cornell created tiny worlds in small boxes and Kienholz worked on a much larger scale, both artists remain a strong and fascinating influence for me.

See all of Jon Harvey’s work here.