Miss the parade this morning? Don’t fret, I’ve compiled (and cropped, colored or altered) the best Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade pics. 35 photos for a good look at most of the balloons from this morning’s 2013 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York for your enjoyment. And here they are.
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Pics
Hello Kitty:
Adventuretime with Finn and Jake:
Buzz Lightyear:
The Elf On The Shelf:
Kermit the Frog:
Papa Smurf:
The Pillsbury Doughboy:
Pokemon’s Pikachu:
Sonic The Hedgehog:
Snoopy and Woodstock:
Toothless (From How To Train A Dragon):
Wizard of Oz:
Macy’s own Santa and Elves balloons:
Images are courtesy of Reuters, Getty, AP, Macy’s Official Twitter account, Twitter and Instagram and most have been cropped or altered for color and clarity. Note that not all the parade balloons are shown in this post. Where I can attribute the photos to individuals, I have done so below. If your photo is in this post and I’ve inadvertently forgotten to give you credit, please contact me and it will be amended immediately.
Photo Credits:
kaws instagram photo by JAMIE OSHEA @SupertouchArt
pillsbury doughboy pics by CookingContestCentrl @CCCentral and Brian Fitzgerald @ExaGridDba
Sonic instagram photo by App Battleground @appbattleground
Pikachu pic by Wise Witch @sapienveneficus
Macy’s santa pic by WPTV @WPTV
Macy’s elves pic by Krissy Vann @KrissyVann_BTT