New and Current Impressive Last Supper Art Installations For Easter 2022.
One of the many amazing things about art is that the same subject can be depicted by hundreds of thousands of artists over the course…
One of the many amazing things about art is that the same subject can be depicted by hundreds of thousands of artists over the course…
It's that time of year when you'll find many an article on the vast number of contemporary interpretations of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. We've…
For years now I have been blogging about Easter related art and design this time of year. Some of my most comprehensive and popular posts…
above: Last Supper Collage, 2013 by Akira Hashiguchi
For the past few years I have been sharing with you classic, modern, contemporary and pop culture versions of Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous Last Supper painting. (more…)
Okay, so technically The Last Supper was held on the Thursday before Good Friday. But today, for Easter, I'm reposting (with some updates) a combination…
Whenever I see popular blog posts and online articles about something in pop culture that references something historical, I always wonder if the ... ahem,…