Star Wars + Mexican Loteria Cards = Space Loteria

Space Loteria

Artist (and musician) Chepo Peña of Austin, TX has combined two of my favorite things in a way that is nothing short of genius. Loteria (the traditional Mexican Bingo game with the illustrated cards) and the classic George Lucas Star Wars movie. And voila! You’ve got Star Wars Space Loteria. Besides being humorous, they are truly clever, with some great visual puns (e.g. Yoda as shrimp, Darth as melonhead).

Star Wars Space Loteria

Below are some of my favorites from the deck shown next to the original Mexican Loteria cards that inspired Chepo’s creations.

Star Wars Space Loteria
Star Wars Space Loteria

Star Wars Space Loteria

Star Wars Space Loteria

Star Wars Space Loteria

UPDATE:  You can now purchase the Space Loteria cards here!

He is also an accomplished bassist:

above photo of Chepa Peña in 2007, courtesy of Erin’s public gallery on Picasa

and a funny guy (obviously):

above: Chepo when he played bass for David Garza at Austin City Limits fest. (image courtesy of the artist)

The cards are also featured (a whole page) in the Abrahams book Star Wars: 1,000 Collectibles Memorabilia and Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away by Stephen J. Sansweet and Anne Neumann.