Created by Yael Mer and Shay Alkalay of Raw Edges Design Studio, the Flying Fish Bowl is a donut-shaped wall mounted fish tank that actually revolves leaving the water at the bottom as the environment for the fish changes within.
Revolving Fish Tank
The revolving 12 liter fish bowl allows your dearest pet to travel the polluted ocean from the comfort of his own home.
The main idea relies on the fact that although the fish tank does slowly revolve, the water always stays at the bottom, so for the fish it doesn’t make any difference. The scenery within the tank was designed as small industrial factories, oil rigs, nuclear stations and drains that comes for our cities and usually cause pollution in the oceans. Here, instead of polluting the tank, the structures supply oxygen for the fish by releasing bubbles from the chimneys.
The fish tank is motorized and it uses this movement to draft the air from the decorations instead of using air-pump system. For feeding the fish, and in order to clean the fish tank, there is a big hole next to the center that allows access.
The self-produced project was made in collaboration with 3D systems.
all images and information courtesy of Raw Edges