Teens make Duct Tape Prom Outfits and the 2023 Finalists Are In!

duck brand duct tape prom outfits 2023

Beginning with the pandemic quarantine back in 2020 the Duck Brand has held an annual scholarship contest called “Stuck at Prom” in which high school students compete for a scholarship by creating and wearing a gown or tux made of Duck® brand duct tape and/or Duck® brand crafting tape.

Duct Tape Prom Outfits – The Finalists

The 2022 Stuck at Prom Winner Larissa Leon
Last year’s 2022 “Stuck at Prom” Winner Larissa Leon in her duct tape gown, handbag and hairpiece
2022 Stuck at Prom winner Larissa Leon and her duct tape gown
2022 Stuck at Prom winner Larissa Leon and her duct tape gown

Each year inspired and talented students enter the Duck Brand “Stuck At Prom” Scholarship Contest and compete with their duct tape prom outfits to win a $10,000 cash scholarship.  The 2023 entries have been narrowed down to 5 finalists in each of two categories (Gowns and Tuxes) on whom the public can vote.

The finalists are judged upon workmanship, originality, use of color, accessories and Use of Duck® Brand Duct Tape.


The 5 Gown Finalists

18th century gown made of duct tape
Karla T’s duct tape gown was inspired by a French 18th century dress she saw at the Getty Museum
duck brand prom gown contest
Musically inspired gown of duct tape by Aubri S
musically inspired gown of duct tape by Aubri S
Another view of the musically inspired gown of duct tape by Aubri S
2023 duck brand stuck at prom finalists
Van Gogh Starry Night inspired gown of duct tape by Ava M
duck brand stuck at prom finalists
Duct tape prom dress finalist, inspired by stained glass windows, by Nina M.
duct tape prom dress contest
The backside of the duct tape prom dress inspired by stained glass windows by Nina M.
Japanese kimono inspired gown made of duct tape
Ziqin C’s Tang and Qing Dynasty inspired gown made of duct tape

The 5 Tux Finalists

Aztec-inspired tux and headpiece made of duct tape
Ian H. created an Aztec and Mayan-inspired tux and headpiece
duck brand 2023 prom competition
Hayley Y made a high-fashion rock star tux for the competition
steampunk tux made of duck tape
Emma C decided to go Steampunk with her duct tape tux complete with wings, gears and tophat
duck brand duct tape tux contest finalists 2023
Evee A’s polka dot pantsuit tux is full of circus-like whimsy
impressive Samurai-inspired tux for the contest
Xander N made an impressive Samurai-inspired tux for the contest

To vote for your favorites from each category, visit here.

images and information courtesy of 2023 “DUCK® BRAND DUCT TAPE STUCK AT PROM® SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST”