body painting, illustration and art

The Super Sexy Body Painting of Joanne Gair

joanne gair body painting

It dawned on me that I really couldn’t mention the talented work of Joanne Gair in the context of a post about body painting without showing you some of her amazing work, so now I’ve decided to do just that. (more…)

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More Stunning Body Painting: The M.A.C. Chinese Dress Exhibit

The M.A.C. Chinese Dress Body Painting

Body painting, body art or body makeup applied in a trompe l’oeil fashion on a naked or barely clad body never seems to grow tiresome. (more…)

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A Bald Artist Uses His Head As A Canvas: Meet James Kuhn

James Kuhn Head As Canvas
above: James Kuhn as Mr. T (note the doll’s arm stuck up his nose)

Self-described artist, drag queen, former nudist, born again Christian, average 46 year old guy (hardly!) James Kuhn likes to paint his face. And I’m not just talking about a little gloss and guyliner. I’m talking complete transformations! In some cases he even adds doll parts, paper extensions and more. But there’s no sense in trying to describe it, you simply have to see his self-portraits. (more…)

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Guido Daniele’s Hand Painting Used To Sell AT&T’s Roaming Capabilities

Most of us ‘creative types’ and net surfers have seen Milan-based artist Guido Daniele’s amazing hand painting before, but its latest incarnation is in a new AT&T International Roaming ad campaign by BBDO Atlanta, shot by Toronto based photographer Andric (who happens to speak Italian so he could converse easily with Daniele). The animals and imagery painted on the hands are to symbolize the countries in which you have ‘roaming’ capabilities with AT&T. (more…)

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Body Painting With Soul.. er, Sole: Temptu Paints Feet For New York Magazine

Temptu Paints Body Art With Sole

When New York Magazine needed to recreate the appearance of shoes on actual feet in the April 21st issue, using just makeup, they went to Temptu. (more…)

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