Bronze Figural Water Fountains by Małgorzata Chodakowska

bronze figural water fountains on if it's hip, its here

These stunning sculpted figural water fountains by artist Małgorzata Chodakowska combine her bronze sculptural work of women, men and children with running water to create statues that appear to dance and interact with nature.

Bronze Figural Water Fountains

Prima Ballerinas, Bronze and Water
Prima Ballerinas, Bronze and Water
Angel in situ, bronze and water

The Polish artist studied sculpting at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She sculpted for years in Dresden and Germany and it was not long before she began to receive honors, awards and accolades for her work.

Portrait of Malgorzata Chodakowska by Lothar Sprenger
Portrait of Malgorzata Chodakowska by Lothar Sprenger

In the following pieces she combines the solid element of metal with the kinetic properties of water to bring her statuary to life as fountains.

Boy with Hat, Bronze and Water fountain
Boy with Hat, Bronze and Water
sculptural angel fountain
Angel, Bronze and water
Małgorzata Chodakowska
Woman with Leaf, Bronze and Water
bronze fountains
Woman with Ice Block, bronze and water
Kleine Ballerina, Bronze and Water
Kleine Ballerina, Bronze and Water
Małgorzata Chodakowska statues
Woman with Fan, Bronze and Water
Ballerina, Bronze and Water
Boy with Butterfly Net
Boy with Butterfly Net, Bronze and Water
Girl with Leaf
Girl with Leaf, Bronze and Water
Małgorzata Chodakowska fountains
Spring III, Bronze and Water
figural sculpture
Silent Waters, Bronze and Water
figural fountains
Menade, Bronze and water
Trio of Bronze sculptural water fountains by Malgorzata Chodakowska
Trio of Bronze sculptural water fountains by Malgorzata Chodakowska
Trio of Bronze sculptural water fountains by Malgorzata Chodakowska
Trio of Bronze sculptural water fountains by Malgorzata Chodakowska
artsy water fountains
Trio of Bronze sculptural water fountains by Malgorzata Chodakowska

For over twenty years, photographer Lothar Sprenger has been documenting the artworks of the Polish artist, including six catalogs and five calendars that have been created with works by Malgorzata. Thanks to him, I was able to share these images of her bronze figural water fountains with you.

See more of her work here