In 2013, a young Noah Bloom happened upon a 3 week old Magpie that had fallen from a tree. He brought it home to his family in Newport, Australia and they lovingly nursed the bird back to health with a proper diet. They named her Penguin (simply for her resemblance to the aquatic animal) and she has since become a loving member of the Bloom family.
A Rescued Magpie Makes An Unusual Family Pet
The Bloom family rescued Penguin the Magpie, and in return, she rescued them. Cameron, his wife Sam and their three sons Noah, Reuben and Oli were living their lives as a happy family until a near-fatal fall left mom Sam paralyzed. As she sank into a deep depression, this new and unexpected member of the family came into their lives: an injured magpie chick abandoned after she fell from her nest, who became the inspiration for not only her struggle, but a best-selling book and now a Netflix movie called Penguin Bloom.
Penguin the Magpie, now free to fly on her own, chooses to hang around the Bloom family; Cameron, his wife Sam and their three sons Noah, Reuben and Oli. She excitedly waits for the kids to return from school, cuddles with them, plays games with them, eats scraps from the family table and more.
As sweet as the story is, it’s the heartwarming images captured by the talented father, commercial photographer Cameron Bloom, that really set my heart a-flutter.
‘We kept her because I felt confident that I had the time and knowledge to bring her up safely and healthily,’ Mr Bloom told Daily Mail Australia.’My best friend is also a vet. Her diet was meticulously made so she had the right balance. It used to take me half an hour to mix it all together.’
‘She likes to sing for us when she’s around the house and likes to fly onto your head or sit next to you and nibble on your ear,’ Mr Bloom said
‘She also runs down the hallway in the morning sometimes to snuggle up in bed with us or the kids,’ Mr Bloom said.
“When the kids play handball here with their friends… Penguin just flies from kid to kid, sort of gets involved. It’s pretty fun. It’s chaotic”
Penguin has gained popularity on social media, with the help of an Instagram account which now has over 15k followers.
“I never thought she’d become as much a part of the family as she has. [The kids] love her like a dog, but better”
Coming out in June 2020 is a sequel to the family’s first book. Not yet in bookstores.
Thanks to Cameron Bloom, the Daily Mail and Penguin The Magpie on Instagram for the photos and quotes.