Hip Up That Holiday Tree With 6 Artist Christmas Ornaments From Lladro.
As part of Lladro's The Guest Collection, artists and designers Jaime Hayon, Gary Baseman, Tim Biskup and Devilrobots designed 6 Christmas ornaments based on Jaime…
As part of Lladro's The Guest Collection, artists and designers Jaime Hayon, Gary Baseman, Tim Biskup and Devilrobots designed 6 Christmas ornaments based on Jaime…
Another fun collection of gift wrap from Gift Couture that is bound to excite meat-eaters and disgust vegetarians is the Steak Set Wrapping Paper. After…
These gingerbread cookies are probably not what your grandmother made for the holiday season, unless you've got a very liberal granny. Designed by Swedish company…
What did the top Luxury brands do this year to connect with their fans, engage their consumers and wish them a happy holiday season? Well,…
If It's Hip, It's Here wishes each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and much health and happiness in the new year.
Director Dj Cosgrove and wife Amber originally hail from Columbus, Ohio and now live in Los Angeles along with their adorable and talented Boston Terrier,…
Here's a close look at some of the world's most unusual public Christmas Trees - from Italian Glass to German Beer. Unusual Christmas Trees From…
For the past few years I have been compiling my shopping picks for modern Christmas Decor (including Nativity Sets) Modern Nativity Sets This is the…
Shoe lovers and Foot Fetishists will delight in these designer Louboutin Shoe Christmas Trees. Studio XAG has created fabulous red-soled Christmas Trees inspired by Christian…
This is the most fashionable Christmas Tree we could find. This prelit 5′ tree is designed for those who have an interest in fashion. Exclusively from Hammacher Schlemmer (but sadly, sold out already), this tree eschews the geometric lines of typical conifers, taking its shape instead from a classic couturier’s dress form. (more…)