Metalmorphosis Moving Water Sculpture by David Černý.

Metalmorphosis Moving Water Sculpture by David Cerny

Metalmorphosis by David Cerny. Most recently you may have heard the name of Czech artist David Cerny during the London Summer Olympics as he was the artist who created the London Double Decker “push-up” bus, Booster. Now take a look at his giant kinetic fountain in the shape of a head that spits water: Metalmorphosis by David Cerny

Booster by David Cerný
Booster by David Cerný was created for the London Summer Olympics

Since Booster (shown above) is a piece of Cerný’s of which I am not a fan, I thought I’d share with you something of his I do like. Metalmorphosis by David Cerný is an imposing kinetic installation of a giant head that spits water. Part sculpture, part fountain and wholly impossible to ignore, the piece is 30 feet tall and weighs 14 tons.

Metalmorphosis by David Cerný

metalmorphosis david cerny

Metalmorphosis by David Cerny

Metalmorphosis by David Cerny

The fountain in action:
YouTube video player

Stainless steel, motors, computer driven control centre, water, etc.
Installation on 3700 Arco Corporate Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina

Height: 30 feet
Weight 14 tons

David Cerný